We are now launching our second survey - as promised. 

In this second survey we are asking you to rate the ideas that Cranleigh residents have suggested in the first survey so that we can present ideas that the village actually want to see to Surrey County Council.

One additional thought prior to taking the survey, Cranleigh High Street is a busy road, with lots of competing demands and things to consider. As well as helping to make the High Street as accessible as possible for all and helping the traffic to flow smoothly, we also need to ensure that the many independent businesses can thrive.  This means allowing scope for deliveries and also making it easy for people to park, especially those with mobility difficulties, whether for a long time or just to pop into one shop.

This survey does not include questions about simple improvements such as improving drainage and pavement surfaces or repairing potholes in the road - we believe these are things that all users of the Village are keen on and should be front and centre of any work done.