Cranleigh High Street Redevelopment


Why signing the petition was important

The proposals so far put forward will materially change the village with further changes about to enter consultation phase.

By supporting the petition you have voiced your concerns at the proposals and helped many of the businesses have a voice. We still want to help create a High Street we are all proud of and that works for the residents, retailers, school users and any other visitors to our village.

Lets take a closer look at the proposals

No more Horseshoe Lane roundabout...

But a new raised table/speed bump


What is happening outside Sainsbury's?

A narrowed high street with much less free parking

But another new raised table/speed bump


Finally the changes at Village Way

At Village Way - we are also losing the roundabout to make a T-junction

Another new raised table/speed bump


What are our concerns with the proposals?

Here are a few of the concerns with the new proposals:

      • The Horseshoe Lane roundabout is a key access road to Cranleigh School and Cranleigh Prep School, there are over 1000 children at those schools, many of whom are being dropped off and collected every day. With no roundabout how will people access that road?
      • The raised tables will create noise and traffic pollution as people have to slow down and then accelerate over the bumps, there is already a 20mph speed limit in the high street
      • The raised tables will mean children find it harder to see the delineation between the roads and the pavement so could cause accidents. There are six schools in Cranleigh.
      • Removal of the crossing point at Rowlands Road
      • Narrowing the High Street will make it very difficult for emergency services vehicles to get through the village. At the moment cars already need to move onto the pavements to let them through. 
      • Blocked off access to Onslow Mews, so no vehicle access to the Cranfold Physio.
      • Shrunken and narrowed bus lay-bys which will cause blockages along the High Street.
      • The Village Way roundabout is vital to give people access to the Village way carpark and all the important amenities that are there - the leisure centre, the band room, access to Snoxhall Park, the Doctors, the Scout Hut, the Parish Council office... 
      • The removal of so much of the free parking will make life harder for the already struggling local businesses. 
      • Narrowing the roads will mean that when there are deliveries the high street could become gridlocked.

We are sure there are many other very valid concerns with the proposals, but one thing to agree on is that these changes will not make Cranleigh an easier and nicer place to visit. This is why having an alternative vision for Cranleigh is so important.